Traveling gOD'S pATH
Read the following scriptures
John 8:12 | Mark 8:34-38
Each day the life of a pilgrim holds new experiences, some very exciting and some difficult. Without God's guidance and strength we are incapable of fulfilling God's work for us.
It is very important to begin each day with the renewing of your mind through God's word (Ephesians 4:22-24).
It is important to follow a regular schedule of reading and learning what God has to teach you each day.
We renew our mind as we study and learn more about the God we love. As God teaches us new truths through accounts of how He has worked with others, warnings of things we should beware of or avoid, commands we should obey, and teachings about the future - He gives us everything we need, for our life, one day at a time (2 Peter 1:3).
More of this journey to come!