

Read the Following scripture

2 Corinthians 5:17 | Romans 12:2 | John 3:1-7

God uses His Word, the Holy Bible, to tell man about new life through Jesus and also to change man into the image of Jesus Christ - to act, think, and live as God desires.

Everything we read, watch, listen to, or put into our minds, molds us into the person we are - it's called our mindset. As we read God's word it transforms us. The very motivation for reading God's word should be our love for Jesus and our desire to know Him and become like Him.

Two things to beware of:

1. Never read the Bible as a ritual, just to say you have done it. 

2. Watching, listening to, and reading ungodly material never mixes with the Word of God.

Guard your motives, God knows your heart.


God's word teaches that pursuing and worshipping Him must be "in truth" and "with all your heart".



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